At our February GIFT Session, we learned about the Apostle's Creed. We played a ball-toss game in which each group of 6-9 people attempted to toss multiple balls across a circle to each other. Done randomly, this was quite a challenge. But when we set some guidelines for everyone to follow - establish a pattern of who throws to whom, and say the person's name and make eye contact before tossing - the groups were able to get up to 3 balls sailing fairly smoothly through the air. Then, we talked about how helpful it is for a group of people trying to accomplish a task together to have a strong foundation, or to all be on the same page about things. In the case of the Church, we are trying to accomplish the mission of spreading the Gospel. One of our shared foundations is the Creed, our statement of basic beliefs for everyone in the Church.
After taking a closer look at the text of the Creed, I shared with families a wall-hanging I had noticed at a friend's house that said, "In This House..." and went on to list things like "We do I'm sorry," "We do grace," and "We do loud really well." The list reminded me of a creed. So I asked our families to think about: What does your family believe in? What's important to you? How do you choose to live? They took these ideas and made "Family Creed Tiles," using basic white 6x6-inch tiles and acrylic paint pens. This was a very popular project, so I wanted to share it here. Here are some samples I made for the class:
GIFT Families: If you missed this session and would like to pick up a tile and some paint pens, please contact Dez
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