In case you're like me and (shockingly) never learned how to fold these, there are very specific instructions included on the pattern page. Click here to download the pattern.
To Play:
Player picks a word from the outside, and the "operator" of the catcher opens & closes the "mouth" alternate ways while spelling out the word. Next, player chooses a number from those showing inside the catcher. Operator opens & closes alternating ways that # of times. Player picks another number, and the operator opens the catcher to read the message under that flap. The messages are:
Forgive others as God forgives you.
Take care of God’s creation.
Share what you have with those who have less.
Take care of God’s creation.
Share what you have with those who have less.
Believe in miracles!
Love others as Jesus loved.
Trust in God at all times.
You are the light of the world!
Use your talents well.
Love others as Jesus loved.
Trust in God at all times.
You are the light of the world!
Use your talents well.
One last note: I never understood why these toys were called "catchers" until one of the moms at GIFT this month said, "Oh! We're making a cootie catcher!" Somehow I missed this part of junior high!